Dear Pensacola Beach Turkey Trotters,

Due to the circumstances regarding COVID-19, we are continuously making timely decisions about our events. The safety of our staff, volunteers, supporters, and participants remains our top priority.  With this in mind, we have decided to make the 2020 Pensacola Beach Turkey Trot a virtual only event. 

Trot for Thought is planning a fun, meaningful, and engaging virtual experience. If you have already registered for the race, you will receive an email explaining your options for this year.

When you register, you’re directly helping Brain Cancer Awareness

The Turkey Trot will be dedicated to supporting The Preston Tisch Tumor Center for Brain Cancer.  We have been affected through our personal experiences and are remembering Sabine Laguna and officer Stephen Grogran and want to help raise money for research to hopefully find a cure or preventative measures for this deadly disease. 

Thank you for your support, your patience, and your understanding. Stay tuned to our channels for updates and be on the lookout for the virtual trot plan in the upcoming weeks.

While we cannot come together as planned, we can still make an impact.  

On behalf of everyone at Premier Island Management Group and The Pensacola Beach Turkey Trot  we thank you for your ongoing support.  

Trot for Thought 

Huffing for your Stuffing

Run for Fun

The Pensacola Beach Turkey Trot Team